About Cecilia Mainord

Why Organization?

My mother has often told a story about me. When I was 4 or 5, she came to check on me because it was too quiet. I was sitting in front of my dresser folding and organizing my clothes!!
I have loved organizing from a very young age. I enjoy helping people and making a difference.

"The secret to all victory lies

in the organization of the non-obvious." 

Marcus Aurelius

If you feel ready to make some purposeful, organizational changes, this is a great place to start.  

Let's work together to manage the unseen places in your home and bring more peace into your life!



I believe that a heart & mind at peace is one of the most important ways we can maintain good health and have a quality life. For me, this is achieved through my faithful walk with God.
There are many intrusions that try to rob us of this peace of mind...and one of them is a chaotic home.
It is my desire to bring peace through organization into the heart of my client's homes.