Freedom to Pursue Dreams and Goals

There are many advantages to bringing order to your home.  One of my favorites is experiencing freedom to pursue dreams and goals.  

Following your heart to fulfill ambitions requires discipline and creativity.  Both of these character qualities are often hindered by the external stress of disorder.  How can we feel inspired when chaos is cluttering our brain?  

I encourage you this month to take some time and write down something special and important that you would like to accomplish.  Keep your note handy where you will be reminded daily.

Remember that successful goals include these elements:

  • Personal-Something I would like to do in my lifetime. 
  • Meaningful-Know the heart behind why you want this dream.  Motive is powerful.
  • Measurable-A definable result within a specified time frame.
  • Attainable-Recognize if there are obstacles beyond your control that would prevent fulfillment.

Next, ask yourself what needs to be done in your home to have the mental clarity to pursue this goal.  The entire house does not need to be spotless-just do what you need to feel the relief of stress.  

After that project is taken care of, take a look at your heart.  Baggage of the heart can feel just as overwhelming as the home, sometimes more so.  Grab a journal and write the areas of your life you need to let go of.  Place them in God’s loving arms.  Once you give your cares to Him, your burden will be light.  

God’s desire for you is purpose with peace.  As you lay down the burdens of heart and home, begin to walk in the freedom that God has for you.  One day at a time you will soon find that you are free to pursue your dreams!  

Proverbs 13:19 says, “A desire accomplished is sweet to the soul…”