Joy in Daily Living

Thankfully, I have never experienced personal home theft.   But there are other types of sneaky thieves.  Have you ever encountered the invisible intruders of worry, fear, disorder, doubt or anger?  These silent enemies seek to drain the joy from our lives.  

One of the goals of Peaceful Places is to help people find more joy in their daily living.  Clutter is definitely a joy stealer robbing us of clarity of thought, light-heartedness, peace of mind and creativity.    

How do you feel today?  Is the thief of disorder stealing your joy?  

A home in order will always contribute to more restfulness.  But external circumstances should never completely control the quality of our lives.  

As always, I want to remind us all that the condition of the heart affects the entire life.  The best way to fight character thieves is trust in God.  I encourage you to seek peace in Christ.  He is the best foundation to build your life on.

There is a reason that order brings peace and joy:  God is a God of order.  Starting with creation, God released His creative power using separation and containment.  (Check out Genesis 1).  He separated the light from the darkness and the land from the waters.  He gave the animals, birds and fish each a separate contained home. The list goes on.

The result?  Seven times the Bible states, ”And God saw that it was good.”  Both the beauty and the organization of creation was a good thing!  The pattern that began at creation still works today!  Order will always be a good thing.  But even if you don’t have it, choose joy anyway!

Regardless of your progress, don’t allow the thief of disorder to steal your joy.  Choose gratitude and joy no matter what and your sense of peace will grow.