Peace for the Overwhelmed

Our homes should be an oasis:  A place where we can relax and feel at rest.  Too often the disorderly places in our houses steal peace from our daily living.  I have some words of hope for you today.

First, it is always important to acknowledge that true contentment and feelings of restfulness come from the heart before anything else.  So before we jump to the physical side of our homes I would like to ask a few questions.

Are you feeding your faith?

Are you nurturing your relationships?

Are you taking time to be sure that your needs are met?

A cluttered home often pushes stress buttons that stem from the heart.  Today, before you try to tackle the ‘messy’ in your life, make your heart a priority.  Encourage your faith through reading, worship or prayer.  Take time with a friend or read a story to your child.  And definitely do something that refreshes your soul…take a relaxing walk, soak in a hot bath or read a book for fun.  You choose.  Enjoy the moments you have to yourself and find a reason to be grateful.  This will rejuvenate your being.

As far as your home goes, after you have found some inner peace, take a look around and pick one small space that needs some TLC.  Maybe your junk drawer?  A shelve in your laundry room? The most used pantry space?  It is not necessary to tackle the entire house.  Set aside only 15-30 minutes and tackle that space.  In no time you will find you have accomplished something you feel good about.

There is an old expression, ”How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time!”  

Because every home has various occupants who are continually using “things,” our living spaces are in constant motion and always changing.  This is Okay!  Without people our lives would be meaningless.  

So today I leave you with this hope.  

Take time to love yourself and the people in your life.  Then approach your organizational challenges one bite at a time.  Peace is soon to follow.