Released to Meet Your Full Potential

I love the word “potential!” The Latin origins of this word mean power.   The Oxford definition is, “Latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness.”

Do you have qualities you wish to develop…strengths that are being unused?  

How do we tap into that potential?  Sometimes, that power is tucked away under daily pressures and disorganization.

First let me say, YOU are full of potential.  You have so much to offer.  If disorganization is standing between you and what you wish to become, this blog is a great launching pad!  

Sadly, disorder drains the energy from our thinking.  A messy home creates a messy mind.  And with an unclear mind, your creativity cannot grow as it should.  I understand that overcoming disorder can be overwhelming.  But it is definitely worth the investment of time and energy.  

An unopened flower is beautiful because of the anticipation of what is to come.  The same is true of YOU!  There is so much awaiting you.  Take the time to remove the hindrances in your life and you will soon spread your wings and fly.

Don’t be discouraged if you are not what you wish to be.  Life is a journey.  Recognizing your abilities and weaknesses is a great first step towards reaching your potential.

Peter Walsh states, “Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor-it’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living.”  

What is standing in your way today?  What life would you like to be living?  Our greatest peace comes from our faith in God.  It should be our goal to be everything He created us to be.  Sometimes that requires digging in and removing the clutter in our life.  Once we do, we are released to meet our full potential.