Relief from Disorderly Stress

What stresses you out about your home?  Laundry piled high?  Toys everywhere?  Dirty plates everywhere but in the dishwasher?  Tripping over shoes lying all over the house?

Are you screaming inside, “I need some relief from this mess!”

Today I want you to know that you CAN experience relief and even peace in the middle of your cluttered storm.

First, I am going to state the obvious.  You are not your home.  It is possible to pursue and maintain personal peace even when your home is a disaster. This restfulness comes by first realizing that you are a beautiful person.  A messy home does not change the quality person you are. 

Give yourself a break today.  Know that you are loved and special.  “Things” are temporal and the people in our lives are what hold the greatest value…including YOU.   

Practically speaking, I have 2 tips.

First, in every home there should be ONE place off limits to everyone else but you.  It may be your bedroom, the back deck, an office, a formal dining area or a chair in a corner somewhere.  Wherever it is, all in the house should know that this is YOUR sacred space.  No toys, clothes, food etc. and even family members when in use. 

Your special space will be like an anchor for you: A safe place that you feel good about and can be alone and rest. If this corner of your world can feel restful and in order, then in time other parts of your home can as well.


Spend 30 minutes a day there.  Rejuvenate your soul.  Whatever you do, don’t give up.  Keep taking one step at a time and before you know it, your home will have more order.  

Second, take a moment and answer this question:

Which area in my home causes me the most stress?  

Or it may be easier to consider:

If I could change 1 room, which would it be?

It’s time for action.  Make that space a priority.  Break it down into several pieces.  Then over the next month, tackle 1 piece a week.   By the end of the month the place that you dreaded will be on its way to manageability and peacefulness.

Today I leave you with this hope and challenge:

Create a small haven within your home for yourself and nurture your heart each day.

Then you will find the strength to manage the “messy” one step at a time.